St. George Ductless Mini Split AC Services

Install an efficient, modern cooling and heating system in your Southern Utah home - call us today for more info!

Nowadays, homeowners want convenient, efficient cooling and heating options in their home that are easy to operate and install. This is what makes ductless mini split air conditioner installation so alluring. Many homeowners love how easy these systems can be to use and all of the customizable options. Luckily, Walker Plumbing, Heating & Air is well-versed in all of the newest methods and technologies that can make cooling and heating your St. George, UT home a breeze. If you’re interested in learning more, give us a call. We can give you the rundown on all of the basics.

Looking for a system to both heat and cool your home? We provide heat pump installation.

The Benefits of Ductless Mini Split AC Systems

Ductless mini-split air conditioning systems are widely used in other parts of the world and US homeowners are starting to catch on. This system has become a popular choice for many reasons. Here are some of the advantages you can expect:

  • Ease of Installation: These systems are much smaller than central AC systems. This makes installing easy. A small hole is cut into your wall and the small unit inserted. The process is generally fast.
  • Dual Functions: These systems can both heat and cool your home so they are a popular option for homeowners looking for functional systems.
  • Efficiency: These systems are generally very efficient because they allow you to create zones in your home. This means you can cool one room without having to cool unoccupied rooms, saving you money.
  • No Ductwork: As the name suggests, this system does not require the installation of extensive ducts throughout your home.

Signs You Need Repair

Like any HVAC system, these ductless systems can also fall prey to malfunctions and breakdowns. Our experts are well-versed in repairing these systems. Here are some signs you should give us a call:

  • Unresponsive Controls: If the buttons on your unit don’t respond to your prompting, check the batteries on the system and remote. If you still have an issue, you may need a repair.
  • High Utility Costs: These systems generally last 12-15 years so if yours is getting old and your bills are skyrocketing, you may need to replace.
  • Poor Performance: If your unit isn’t cooling or heating your home like it’s supposed to, you should schedule a repair.

Is a faulty thermostat affecting the temperature in your home? Contact us for thermostat repair.

Why Choose Us

At Walker Plumbing, Heating & Air, we know that advances are being made in HVAC technologies that can help homeowners enjoy a more convenient and easy home cooling and heating experience. That’s why we stay up to date on all of the latest systems and methods so that we can bring them to you. Our over 15 years of experience means you’ll enjoy:

  • Straightforward pricing
  • Accurate repairs by knowledgeable, licensed technicians
  • Same day service
  • Quality customer service

Interested in installing a ductless mini split air conditioner in your home? Call the experts at Walker Plumbing, Heating & Air in St. George, UT at 435-414-1444 to schedule your consultation and service today!